Sunday, December 28, 2008

TDIC Project

Tourism Development & Investment Company (TDIC) is the company that managing all of the new construction projects in Abu Dhabi. I’m going to talk about Saadiyat Island.

Buildings in saadiyat Island will contain Water walls which cools down the atmosphere in the main courtyard. As energy saving strategies, the daylight supply will be controlled by control roof and desired amount of sunlight can be enter or blocked as desired. As renewable energy strategies, wind turbines at wind towers and solar building. Solar driven absorption cooling with gas or waste heat back-up. And as low impact strategies, water saving fixtures, water system, local desalination, sewage treatment and waste sorting.

The energy saving features are focused on the buildings only. There is nothing to be done about transportation and recycling products. So I think there should be something done like increase the taxes for owning cars so that the amount of cars will decrease and use environmental transportation.

Im giving the project rank B because only few features are missing, however maybe when the project will finish there will be something to add to make the project more environmental

Monday, November 24, 2008

Cool Cities

Year after year the environment suffers more and more from human pollution. There are many solutions to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses and one of the best ways is SDJC cities. The gulf government is interested in making cool cities because of the population growth and to help reducing greenhouse gasses.

These cities will contain central business, public zone, residential zone, sport zone and the resort zone. All these zones will be powered by solar power plant so it will reduce burning fossil fuel to get energy, its clean and renewable. The rooms will have roofs which can be operated depends on the weather so if its winter then it uses the fresh air but in summer it will close to decrease the heat. Transportation will depend on hybrid cars and public transportation like monorail and light rail transit. So two ways to transport either using environmental friendly way or using public transportation, so each way will reduce the amount of CO2 produced.

I think that this step doesn’t help the environment much, because few cities will be built and population will grow so if we calculate we’ll realize that the greenhouse gasses is increasing and we wasted a lot of money to build these cities. Another thing is these cities are using modern technology, so we don’t know for how long they can really operate and we don’t know how much they are effective.

Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint is a measure of human activities which effect on environment and cause the greenhouse gases. It is measured in units of carbon dioxide. Two types of carbon footprint exist. First is the primary footprint or we can call it direct and the second one is called indirect or secondary footprint. The direct footprint is a measure of direct emissions of CO2 from burning fossil fuel like generating the energy and transportation. The indirect footprint is a measure of CO2 emissions from whole lifecycle of the product we use.

I was curious to know how big is my carbon footprint so I checked mine at . The result I had was 3.77, when I compared it with my classmates I found that it’s the largest and its 19.20 tonnes per annum, I guess it’s large because I drive 4x4 car and I spend a lot of time in the car, also I use electricity a lot, plus I travel whenever I have the chance.

The best way to reduce my carbon footprint is to organize my transportation with my friends, for example five students can go to college in one car. The second way to reduce carbon footprint is to learn and read about how to change our lifestyle in order to reduce CO2. The last step is every individual must take the responsibility of saving the planet and they should be aware that every single human can make a difference.

Friday, November 7, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth Summary

An Inconvenient Truth is an American documentary movie presented by Al Gore. He shows some pictures of earth and parts of the earth in the past and the present to make us realize the situation and how serious global warming is. He showed pictures of glaciers which are being melted by global warming, therefore that will effect on sea level which will lead to drown some parts of coast cities, furthermore there will be a serious shortage of drinking water since 40% of the people around the world depend on water melted from glacier.

Statistics were provided in the movie, the last 10 years were the warmest years in history and Al gore showed the relation between carbon dioxide and global warming, scientists predicted this increasing in temperature and what they predicted in the past came true. Now they are saying that the temperature will keep increasing if something is not done about the carbon dioxide emissions. Hurricanes are getting stronger for example hurricane Katrina passed over Florida, doubled back over the gulf because it gained strength from warm gulf water.

The main cause of global warming is burning of fossil fuel, Al Gore gave solutions and he supported each solution with the amount of carbon dioxide reduced. However he said that the government took an action about the ozone layer and it worked well, so if the government will take an action about the global warming for sure the situation will get better. He adds that global warming is a moral issue not a political issue.

My opinion about An Inconvient Truth

I believe that this movie has a deep meaning which is saving our world, it’s not political at all. With no doubt Governments are to blame. Al Gore speaking skill is something I really respect and I consider Al Gore not mentioning the governments as a smart step because some people will offend the movie. The movie changed me, I used to believe that global warming is some subject just in the media but after watching this movie all I can say that global warming is real and it is caused by human activity. Can it be solved? Yes, Governments play the biggest role in this issue and people just have to give up some of luxury to save the world.

Question: What I noticed that Al Gore mention USA, Europe, Eastern Asia but he never mentioned Middle East, why? If I had the chance to meet him I will ask him.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

introduction to global warming

First I would like to explain the meaning of Global warming. Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans started in the mid-20th century. Well this increase of the temperature didn’t come from nowhere; there are causes for the talk about the causes. First is the green house effect, the green house is a combination layer of some gases which are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor. First one is carbon dioxide which caused by burning fossil fuel which comes from power plants, cars, air planes and buildings. Second is methane which comes from rice paddies, bacteria in bogs and fossil fuel productions. Third is nitrous oxide which is naturally produced by oceans and rainforests, also it is manufactured by human like nylon and nitric acid production. Fourth is water vapor which is caused by heat, water vapor increases the heat because it holds the heat, to be more specific it holds two-thirds of all heat in the green house. In general I can say burning fossil fuel and the modern technology are the main causes of the global warming.

In my opinion people must start to reduce the gasses emission, as a start people must know the dangers of global warming so that everyone realize the current situation, reducing gasses emissions is everyone responsibility so people must be taught what is their role in order to reduce it. Countries must depend on clean sources of power.

My references:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Global Warming

First I would like to introduce myself, my name is Ahmed Saadiq Al Marzouqi, I’m 23 years old and I live in bani-yas . My hobbies are playing foot ball, swimming, car racing and play video games.

I’m a civil engineering student at the higher colleges of technology sponsored by Abu Dhabi municipality, Abu Dhabi is developing and expanding, a lot of cities are being built so I said this major will grantee for me a good future and a higher position.

When I decided to study civil engineering I thought it’s all about building high towers, houses and roads but then I became to know that there are many factors effects on structures such as weather. That’s why I chose to write about global warming because higher temperature means we have to change the specification of the structure and make it stronger, in addition higher temperature means more humid which effects on the structure as well, so we have to study the situation carefully otherwise we will end up having cities which cannot last long.

There are many changes going on today, changes in our life, changes in the world economy and changes in the weather. Some changes we might notice them but some we don’t, let’s say for example everyone noticed the recent world food issue which led to increase the prices of the food thereafter many poor countries suffered the consequences. The global warming is a slow change in the weather therefore a lot of people don’t notice it but the consequences can be really dangerous that’s why alot of organizations have already took a step by making studies to reduce the global warming and warned the world leaders countries from the disaster which may occur in the future.

My references: